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1530 Real Estate


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Real Estate

In Amsterdam is 1530 het jaartal geweest waarin de vastgoedadvisering haar eerste stap richting volwassenheid heeft gemaakt. Makelaars en adviseurs dienden zich vanaf dat moment bij de burgemeester te melden om hun vakbekwaamheid en betrouwbaarheid te laten toetsen.

1530 Real Estate is mede daarom de naam van het in 2016 opgerichte vastgoedkantoor dat gerund wordt door vier gedreven, professionele en vooral vakbekwame partners: Martijn Smits, Sander van Winterswijk, Paul Becks en Bas Geijtenbeek. Samen vormen zij een enthousiast multidisciplinair team dat streeft naar het leveren van de hoogste kwaliteit in haar dienstverlening en zich kenmerkt door ondernemerschap en toewijding. Lees meer…


De partners van 1530 Real Estate zijn alle vier breed geschoold in het vak en beschikken over een gedegen marktkennis die zij door de jaren heen met veel plezier hebben ontwikkeld. 1530 Real Estate is hét aanspreekpunt binnen het vastgoed en zal met haar professionele vak beheersing tot de beste resultaten komen.




Short lines and fast, flexible solutions are characteristic of 1530 Real Estate. The entrepreneurial character of the partners is an absolute advantage in the way they serve their clients and characterizes the way they work. Working in a small, driven and multidisciplinary team sees 1530 Real Estate as a great advantage for its clients.  


1530 Real Estate strives for a personal, transparent but above all close working relationship with its clients. They see this dedication as an important core value in the search for tailor-made solutions for their clients. 1530 Real Estate wants to give all its clients the professional, dedicated attention that is essential to advise them optimally..  


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1530 Real Estate

In Amsterdam, 1530 was the year in which the real estate consultancy has made its first step towards adulthood. From that time brokers and consultants were obliged to report to the mayor to have their competence and reliability assessed. Partly because of that 1530 Real Estate is the name of the real estate agency founded in Amsterdam that is run by five dedicated, professional and above all skilled partners: Paco Landzaat, Martijn Smits, Sander van Winterswijk, Paul Becks and Bas Geijtenbeek. Together they form an enthusiastic multidisciplinary team, which is committed to deliver the highest quality in its services and is characterized by entrepreneurship and dedication. Read more.


The partners of 1530 Real Estate are all broadly trained in the field and have a thorough knowledge of the market, which they have developed over the years with great pleasure. 1530 Real Estate is the point of contact within real estate and will achieve the best results with its professional expertise.  


Short lines and fast, flexible solutions are characteristic of 1530 Real Estate. The entrepreneurial character of the partners is an absolute advantage in the way they serve their clients and characterizes the way they work. Working in a small, driven and multidisciplinary team sees 1530 Real Estate as a great advantage for its clients.  


1530 Real Estate strives for a personal, transparent but above all close working relationship with its clients. They see this dedication as an important core value in the search for tailor-made solutions for their clients. 1530 Real Estate wants to give all its clients the professional, dedicated attention that is essential to advise them optimally..  

Who you see, is who you get

Sander van Winterswijk

Martijn Smits

Bas Geijtenbeek

Paul Becks

Job Steverink

Quinten van der Ent

Benine Feith

    Most recent offer

    View the most recent offer of 1530 Real Estate in offices and logistics.


    Business space


    Tenant Representation

    Generating optimal housing is the core activity of 1530 Real Estate.


    The partners of 1530 Real Estate deliver outstanding tailor-leasing strategies: each building’s unique situation requires a specific approach


    Purchase & Sale

    1530 Real Estate advises and assists end-users when purchasing their office accommodation.



    1530 Real Estate makes this added value of real estate visible to organizations and ensures that this real estate contributes as much as possible to the objectives of the company in question.



    Over the years the partners of 1530 Real Estate have acquired extensive experience in advising investors to buy and sell their investment properties.


    1530 Real Estate can guide you through all the development steps that are important in the realization of a new building, a big wish for many entrepreneurs but certainly an intensive process that requires a lot of preparation and guidance.  


    Our partners

    Let’s meet up!

    If you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you. Call us or fill in the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    Minervaplein 25
    1077 TJ Amsterdam

    +31 (0)20 308 1530

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